Thursday 30 January 2014

Time Lapse in animation

Time lapse is the oposite to stop motion but uses the same process to create it. To create a time lapse you must set up a tripod in a set location and not move it at all, depending on what you are taking the images of depends on how often you take them, for example if you wanted to create a time lapse of the skyline through out the day you would take a picture every 30 minutes to an hour depending on how effective and detailed you want it to appear, another popular creation using time lapse is watching the decay of carcases, in this situation you would have to take a picture every so many hours - a few times a day. This can take weeks of years as creating a time lapse is a long time consuming way of creating animation.

denoting the photographic technique of taking a sequence of frames at set intervals to record changes that take place slowly over time. When the frames are shown at normal speed the action seems much faster.

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