Thursday 6 February 2014

Singing in the rain animation

My second animation is a music video or scene from a film. as singing in the rain is a well known song/scene i decided to re-create this. the scene that i would be re-creating the scene where he climbs up onto the street light while it is raining and spinning his umbrella

The sections of the song that i will use are 1:15-1:30 = where he is on the lamp post
1:48 - 1:53 = where he is walking and spinning the umbrella
and finally 2:27-2:32 = where he is tap dancing in the rain.

although all of these sections are split up i would make them all fit together, i would do the walking and spinning the umbrella first then the lamp post and then finish with the tap dancing. the song would be the chorus through out and maybe if i run out of time i would play the tap dancing part with the tap dancing scene.

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